Kate has no husband and eight kids.

If you feel so inclined, find your favorite area of the pdf and take a screen shot and post in on my wall.

its really easy: 


semi democratic art for a semi democratic world.


AH, more after the break.


Make sure to try these full screen. and zoom in as far as you can, there are a lot of neat little areas.

more after the break


not now, but then.

illustrator provides an accuracy i absolutely love.

More work after the BREAK


when, when, when?

this is a calendar.
this is an underwear rack.
the circle references the cycle.
the cycle references the ebb and flow.
and wax and wane.


It has been awhile, hasn't it?

this was done in illustrator.
 more art(work) after the break


 Panorama shot of my room, blurred and noised. click for a big version

This was a standout photo from my first Take It Apart shoot.
The lesson learned here was when in doubt, use more nails.


ink set #2

i dont like being an individual, im supposing there is an alternative